Peer to peer learning Reports: IT National Report, DE National report, PT National Report.
Peer to peer learning Comparative Report: EN Comparative Report version, DE Comparative Report version, PT Comparative Report version, LT Comparative Report version, IT Comparative Report Version.
This resource will reflect the outcomes of the work that we will undertake with young people with intellectual and non intellectual disabilities to raise awareness on the opportunities and risks of social media use.
In each country we will create groups of peers that will meet regularly to self evaluate their social media use, to assess the information and events they came across and which they would like to share with the group, and their emotions.
We will reflect together with them on events related to the social media that happened to them, to their friends or to other young people and try to find out underlying causes and mechanisms that can explain the occurrence of these events.

We will try to understand what is appropriate and non-appropriate, fair and unfair use of social media and what can be done in case individuals or groups are victims of misrepresentation, abuse or bullying and we will develop and test some strategies for intervention in those cases. Further we will work with them on rethinking their digital identity and fingerprint and what kind of information they would to share about themselves in which medium and under which condition.
The group will report on the interactions in different online social media platforms (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and similar). This will involve the development of digital competences, including the use of multimedia tools, online editing and publishing, integrated social media use, etc. These activities can be characterized as social media fab labs.
A key aspect of this activity is that each group of people with disability will be connected with the others from the other countries. This will have two different results: it could help them to make aware of the potential of the web in terms of relations but also from an advocacy point of view and, in the meanwhile, it will be an experience that could make them aware on which could be the risks in using the network.
The result will be a creative web-based collection of stories and non-stories, of sense and non-sense, serious and fun, the reflection of a creative community of advocates for critical social media use and for a fair representation of diversity and the complexity of contemporary society in social media. The empowerment and learning will not consist in telling them what to do or not to do or what is correct or not correct, but to guide them in becoming critical social media users, able to prevent abuse in social media and to protect themselves and others from harm.